Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Lotus results May 05

This year's results
Race 1 1:48:85 2nd
Race 2 2:28:82 3rd
Race 3 2:53:17 ?
Race 4 2:48:52 2nd

Can you see how the tide helped us out a wee bit?!!!

Last year's results, because inquiring minds might want to know

Race 1 2:19:24 3rd
Race 2 2:40:00 3rd
Race 3 2:32:99 1st!
Race 4 2:45:95 2nd

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Paddling in Whitecaps

Last Thursday, our practice was in very choppy water - to say the least. We docked to change sides halfway through the practice and we were banging up against the dock while waves came right into the boat. How did you feel about practicing in those conditions? I, for one (Sharon) loved it. Anyone else?

Water Warriors 2005

02070019, originally uploaded by waterwarriors.

Our team competed at the Lotus Regatta and had an awesome competition, considering that it was our very first Regatta as the 2005 Team.

It would be great to have our standings and times on this site, too.

Lotus Regatta Photos

You can view 29 of the photos from LOTUS REGATTA by clicking here:
Water Warriors Photos
I didn't realize that I would only be able to put 29 of the photos online this month in the free account, so I didn't put up the Team Photo. I'll add it in July when we get more space in our free Flickr.com account. By the way, this blog is free. Add that to the books, Kim!

You can always find our photos by clicking on the Water Warriors link on the left.

Welcome Water Warriors!

Welcome to the Water Warriors blog! This is an online community for our team - you can post comments, upload photos or enter your thoughts about Dragon Boat Racing.

I will give the password and editorial access to Shelly, Anne and Brenda. If you have a post that you would like to have added to the site, you can email it to them for inclusion in the blog. Or, they may decide they prefer to have someone else do the editing for the site. If so, let them know that you'd like to make updates to the blog.

Don't forget to post your comments. Only Members of this Blog (our team) can post comments, so go for it.
