Well, it's that time of year again..yep..pajama parties! Food (and lots of it!), punch, games, gifts and a very funny, yet unrehearsed skit! It was a great excuse to celebrate the team, and oh yeah, Christmas! You could say it was an end to a great season, or maybe the start to another successful one with some new paddlers. Nothing better than getting together with your girls in pj's and laughing till your sides hurt. We have such an amazing group of ladies who are always up for a good time! The gift exchange was..well..interesting to say the least! Rather than buy presents, we were challenged to "regift" items found in our home..hmm...With Sharon and Jacqui on the team, that coulda gotten crazy! But, it was Shelly H. who surpised us all by handing out, well, a very lovely item that had Lara's mouth drop to the floor! Let's just say, it counter-acted with the baby names book that she gave as well..LOL Brittney was very resourceful, searching high and low in her laundry hamper for the perfect gift of used socks, and Shelley K. was the (un)lucky recipient. Sylvia got her first peek at a lava lamp and somebody (I won't say who..but her name starts with an "L" and ends in "ESLEA") went all out and wrapped up a used pack of gum in a Canadian Tire Bag..LOL In the end, we had a wonderful time, especially having our "exchange paddler" Amy there before she heads back to her homeland of Australia. We'll miss you! Merry Christmas, Water Warriors! Next season is literally around the corner!